Our Relationship Challenge

  1. 5. What was the name of Hannah's Focus that she drove until we moved to Nevada?
  2. 7. What was the title of our first dance song?
  3. 10. What was the name of the apartment complex where we had our first apartment?
  4. 12. On what holiday did we get engaged?
  5. 13. What did we do on our first Valentine's day in Nevada?
  6. 15. What month did you move to be with me?
  7. 16. What did you buy me for our first Valentine's day together?
  8. 17. In what city did we spend our wedding night?
  9. 21. What city did we go to for our fifth anniversary?
  10. 23. What restaurant did we eat at on our 1st date?
  11. 27. What state did we travel to for our first vacation after getting married (other than our honeymoon)?
  12. 28. What did Hannah say in response to your proposal?
  13. 29. Where did we eat dinner after our wedding?
  14. 30. Where did we go for our sixth anniversary?
  15. 31. What city did we fly out of for our honeymoon?
  1. 1. What play did we see on our third anniversary?
  2. 2. What was the theme of the first birthday I planned for you?
  3. 3. What color was Hannah's wedding jewelry?
  4. 4. What were our wedding colors? (the primary color)
  5. 6. What did we sleep in for our fourth anniversary trip?
  6. 8. What month did you visit me in Tulsa?
  7. 9. What did I learn you were scared of during our date to the Tulsa State Fair?
  8. 11. What kind of food did we eat for our first Valentine's day?
  9. 14. What were our wedding colors? (the secondary color)
  10. 15. What was the name of the guy you stayed with during our engagement?
  11. 18. What opera did we see on our first fancy date night?
  12. 19. We used a song from what movie as our recessional song?
  13. 20. What did we do on the morning of our second anniversary?
  14. 22. What fruit flavor did we have in our wedding cake filling?
  15. 24. What animal was Hannah obsessed with at the Shedd Aquarium?
  16. 25. What ballet did we see on our first Valentine's day after getting married?
  17. 26. Where did we spend our first anniversary?