- 1. The cutest animals in Ag
- 3. _ _ _ _ Paragraphs
- 4. Where assemblies are held
- 7. Where kids wait for the bus
- 8. Place to play footy
- 9. Where to buy food
- 11. Best year 8 class
- 12. Our school dog
- 16. Female school captain
- 17. A place to borrow books
- 18. The big animal picture on the ground
- 20. What is at the front of the school
- 21. When year 12 is completed
- 2. Male school captain
- 5. Biggest classroom
- 6. The biggest block in the school
- 10. Used to complete online work
- 13. School singing group
- 14. A program where you train puppies
- 15. The first Core Value
- 19. Where year 8 has year meetings