Our Second Puzzle (based on Tioga Co., PA)

  1. 2. ___ were used for plowing, pulling wagons or riding
  2. 4. The world's biggest sole leather tannery was in ____
  3. 5. ___ was grown to produce linen
  4. 8. Livestock had to be protected from ___
  5. 9. Cream is turned to butter in a ___
  6. 12. Before settlers arrived, the area was hunting grounds for the ___ Nation
  7. 14. When the settlers arrived, streams were full of ___
  8. 15. Before WW1 most people's occupation was ___
  9. 16. Food was sweetened with ___(liquid, two words)
  1. 1. Early settlers survived by killing ___
  2. 3. Almost every cabin had a ____ wheel.
  3. 6. A town that had a RR station & hotels also needed a ___ (2 words)
  4. 7. Farms beside rivers grew ___ as their cash crop
  5. 9. The Pennamite Wars were fought between settlers from PA and ___
  6. 10. The county's first industry
  7. 11. Passanger vehicle
  8. 13. The county had ___ mines