Our solar system

  1. 4. planet with 14 moons
  2. 5. The outer planets are thought to be made of mostly_
  3. 8. _____ planets - four planets found inside the asteroid belt
  4. 9. One year on this planet lasts 88 days
  5. 11. Now called as a dwarf planet
  6. 12. a group of stars, gas and dust that is held together by gravity
  1. 1. Largest planet
  2. 2. Hottest planet
  3. 3. has 167 large volcanoes and is the hottest of all planets
  4. 6. beautiful lights seen over the polar regions
  5. 7. Smallest planet
  6. 8. Saturns rings are made of dust, rock, and _____
  7. 9. causes tides on Earth
  8. 10. Ceres Pluto Haumea and Eris are these small type of planets