Our Solar System

  1. 2. The line from north to south pole
  2. 4. The force that keeps the planets and moons in orbit
  3. 6. The hottest of all the planets
  4. 7. When the sun does down at night
  5. 9. Another name for our galaxy
  6. 10. The biggest star in the solar system
  7. 11. Orbits some planets
  8. 12. When the sun comes up in the morning
  9. 15. The season with the longest days
  1. 1. The season with the shortest days
  2. 3. Another word for orbit
  3. 5. The line in the middle of Earth
  4. 8. There are four ________ in the year
  5. 13. The oldest of the planets
  6. 14. The planet with Rings of ice and rock