Our Solar System By: Cooper Utley

  1. 3. Number of astronauts that have walked on the moon.
  2. 7. The coldest planet in our solar system.
  3. 8. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a giant _________________.
  4. 11. Number of planets in our Solar System.
  5. 12. This planet was demoted to dwarf planet because of its small size.
  6. 13. The star that all the planets in our Solar System orbit around.
  7. 14. The smallest planet in our Solar System.
  8. 15. Planets that are too small to be considered planets.
  1. 1. This planet has a moon, Titan, that is bigger than the planet Mercury.
  2. 2. The planet with the most volcanoes.
  3. 4. Only planet that can sustain life.
  4. 5. The name of the stormiest planet.
  5. 6. The name of the largest gas giant.
  6. 9. Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in our Solar System, is on this planet
  7. 10. Belt The belt that separates the inner and outer planets.