Our Solar System

  1. 1. The planets _______ the sun.
  2. 3. The sun is a ________ sized star.
  3. 5. It pulls everything towards the centre of the planet.
  4. 8. Most of the planets were named after _________.
  5. 9. The centre of our solar system.
  6. 11. The second planet from the sun.
  7. 13. Our galaxy is called the _________.
  8. 14. It takes 1 day for the Earth to _________ on it's axis.
  9. 15. The dwarf planet.
  10. 17. The only planet where life has been found.
  11. 18. Saturn is famous for it's ________ that surround it.
  1. 2. Mars is often called the _____ planet.
  2. 3. The smallest planet.
  3. 4. There is _____ gravity on the moon than on Earth.
  4. 6. It orbits the Earth.
  5. 7. The planet with the largest mass.
  6. 10. It has 27 moons.
  7. 12. The sixth planet from the sun.
  8. 16. The sun is not a planet it is a _______.
  9. 17. There are __________ planets in our solar system.