Our World

  1. 2. Lorna Byrne taught school for ___years.
  2. 3. We get this many days off in a row during Winter Break.
  3. 5. One of two gas stations in Cave Junction.
  4. 9. White pants ______.
  5. 10. Mr. Knight worked at this school before Lorna Byrne.
  6. 12. There are two Post Offices in the Illinois Valley, one in CJ and one in____
  7. 13. The channel all staff radios are set on.
  8. 16. True or a Lie: Miss Tabby drove a tank in the Army.
  9. 18. A good place to go swimming in summer.
  10. 19. Mr. Peters has ____ kids that attend LBMS.
  11. 20. Author of White Fang.
  12. 21. These were served on the first night of conferences.
  13. 23. How many lamps are burned out in the library?
  14. 24. One of Mr. Pratt's favorite sayings, "I'm all hopped-up on____."
  15. 28. The best things about the Health Center.
  16. 29. True or a lie: The TV in the library is broken.
  17. 31. The number of Chrome carts in the library.
  18. 32. Mrs. Pack teaches ___ classes.
  19. 34. How many dances are scheduled for this school year?
  20. 35. You must drop this in the library every day at 3:55.
  21. 36. Kira Maloney's sister's name.
  22. 37. Better wear your boots if you order this drink from Dutch Bros.
  1. 1. The Cafeteria Managers last name.
  2. 3. The length of time you can check out a book from the LBMS library.
  3. 4. The number of staff members who are sad about the dances.
  4. 6. The _____ bridge, a popular place to swim on the Illinois River.
  5. 7. Rising from Failure, Overcoming Adversity, & Never Giving Up
  6. 8. Carlos Restaurante has ben serving Cave Junction since____
  7. 11. _______ Duffy, the newest addition to the LBMS staff.
  8. 14. Color of Mrs. Madden's car.
  9. 15. Mr. Duffy lets you write on his desks with one of these
  10. 17. Miss Stephanie, our new counselor is from this state. Better not mess with it!
  11. 22. The color tags on 8th grade Chromebooks.
  12. 25. True or a Lie: Mr. Nelson has a glass eye.
  13. 26. The last name of the fraternal twins in the 7th grade here at LBMS .
  14. 27. Mr. Thomas went to______ this past summer.
  15. 30. Ayden_______, our new substance abuse counselor.
  16. 33. 21st_____ was the name of the after school program that ended last school year.