Our Year in Review

  1. 1. June 6@6:00 p.m.
  2. 3. Adriana's and Mya's hobby
  3. 4. destination after TCWES
  4. 7. Mrs. Watson's favorite team
  5. 9. zipline and peanut butter pit
  6. 10. leader of TCWES
  7. 12. Cat's talent
  8. 13. bi-weekly vocabulary
  9. 14. what you will miss next year
  10. 18. best recess game ever
  11. 20. book of poems
  12. 21. Mr. Dove's passion
  13. 22. online reading program
  14. 23. researched famous people
  1. 2. Kiki's favorite singer
  2. 5. Snow Hill teacher
  3. 6. what we live for
  4. 8. TCW mascot
  5. 11. hallway police
  6. 15. solar system presentation
  7. 16. science lab
  8. 17. Alex's choice of snack
  9. 18. most sought-after seat in classroom
  10. 19. shows quality behavior