Outdoor Fun

  1. 2. Flying: Running with kites, watching them soar, trying different tricks.
  2. 5. Spreading out blankets, enjoying delicious food, playing outdoor games.
  3. 6. Dribbling the ball, shooting hoops, playing defense.
  4. 7. Splashing in water, learning different strokes, playing pool games.
  5. 8. Setting up tents, roasting marshmallows, exploring nature.
  6. 9. Walk: Observing plants and animals, listening to bird sounds, collecting leaves.
  7. 11. Walking on trails, discovering new sights, enjoying fresh air.
  8. 13. Skating: Gliding on wheels, practicing tricks, having fun with friends.
  9. 14. Kicking the ball, passing to teammates, scoring goals.
  1. 1. Riding bicycles, feeling the wind, exploring different paths.
  2. 3. Chasing friends, avoiding being caught, playing in large areas.
  3. 4. Casting lines, waiting patiently, catching and releasing fish.
  4. 5. Swinging on swings, climbing on jungle gyms, sliding down slides.
  5. 10. and Seek: Finding hiding spots, counting to seek, surprising friends.
  6. 12. Throwing and catching, playing in open spaces, organizing tournaments.