Outer Planets

  1. 1. Jupiter is the ___ planet from the sun.
  2. 4. Jupiter was named ___ by the Greeks.
  3. 7. Uranus' moons are named after characters from the works of ___ ___.
  4. 11. A swirling oval of clouds almost twice as wide as Earth, observed for more than 300 years.
  5. 13. Jupiter's appearance is a tapestry of colorful cloud ___ and spots.
  6. 16. Jupiter contains more than ___ the amount of material of the other bodies orbiting our sun combined.
  7. 17. Like Jupiter, Saturn is made mostly of ___ and helium.
  8. 19. Saturn is named for the Roman god of ___.
  9. 23. Jupiter's fast rotation creates strong __ streams, smearing its clouds into bands across the planet.
  10. 24. The ___2 is the only spacecraft to have visited Uranus.
  11. 25. Like the other gas giants, Neptune does not have a ___ surface.
  12. 26. Jupiter's four largest moons were observed by ____.
  13. 28. Neptune has ___ rings.
  14. 29. Neptune's winds can be ___ times stronger than Jupiter's.
  15. 30. The ___ mission will arrive at Jupiter in 2016 to investigate the planet's atmosphere, deep structure, etc.
  16. 32. The inner rings are ___ and dark.
  1. 2. Has one hemisphere darker than asphalt and the other as bright as snow.
  2. 3. Neptune is the ___ planet from the sun.
  3. 5. The ___ spacecraft continues to explore the Saturn and its moon, rings, and magnetosphere since 2004.
  4. 6. Neptune's blue-green color is also the result of atmospheric ___.
  5. 8. Astronomers observed as pieces of comet ___-___9 collided with Jupiter's southern hemisphere.
  6. 9. ___ shows evidence of recent (and ongoing) surface changes.
  7. 10. Uranus' rotation axis is tilted almost parallel to its orbital plane.
  8. 11. The largest moon in the solar system (larger than Mercury).
  9. 12. Neptune has ___ known moons (Triton the largest moon).
  10. 14. Uranus was named for the Greek god of the ___.
  11. 15. Saturn ___ support life.
  12. 17. The ___ probe descended through Titan's atmosphere in 2005.
  13. 18. Jupiter has a faint ___ system.
  14. 20. Uranus is a ___ giant.
  15. 21. Surface extremely heavily cratered and ancient.
  16. 22. ___ in the upper atmosphere reach 500 meters per second in the equatorial region.
  17. 27. Most visible clouds are composed of ___.
  18. 31. Most volcanically active body in the solar system.