Outer Planets

  1. 5. Used to be a planet, but isn't anymore
  2. 7. Named after the Greek god of the sky
  3. 9. Describes the poles of Saturn
  4. 10. Outer planets are made of this
  5. 12. Largest planet
  6. 14. Atmospheric pressure on Jupiter is a ___________ X that on Earth
  7. 16. Pluto is not a planet because it doesn't follow the __________ for a planet
  8. 18. Saturn's moons may be made of a destroyed ______
  9. 19. Moon of Neptune that has geysers of liquid Nitrogen
  10. 20. Pluto is now called a ______ planet
  11. 21. Neptune has the strongest _________ of any planet in the solar system
  1. 1. Nickname for the outer planets
  2. 2. Man who discovered the 4 largest moons of Jupiter
  3. 3. There is an ocean of liquid ________ on the surface of Jupiter
  4. 4. Saturn is less dense than water, it could float in a ___________________
  5. 6. What the great red spot on Jupiter is
  6. 8. Planet known for its famous rings
  7. 11. Saturn is the ___________ largest planet
  8. 13. One of the moons of Jupiter
  9. 15. One of the elements in the core of Jupiter
  10. 17. Uranus is tilted, so its poles face the ______
  11. 19. Length in hours of a Jupiter day