Outer Space

  1. 4. Clouds of gas and dust in space. They can be places where new stars are born or where old ones explode.
  2. 5. Small rocks or particles in space that can become meteors when they enter Earth's atmosphere.
  3. 8. Imaginary or speculative beings from other planets or galaxies. People wonder if they exist somewhere in space.
  4. 9. Icy objects that travel through space and have a bright tail when they come close to the sun. They're like cosmic snowballs.
  5. 10. Tiny points of light in the night sky that are actually distant suns. They twinkle and form constellations.
  6. 13. Hole A mysterious region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it.
  7. 14. Vehicles designed for space travel, like rockets and space shuttles. They're used to explore and study space.
  8. 15. Rocky objects that also orbit the sun but are smaller than planets. Some are in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
  1. 1. Large, round objects that orbit the sun, like Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. They're different from stars because they don't twinkle.
  2. 2. Another word for the universe as a whole, including everything in space, like stars, galaxies, and planets.
  3. 3. Vast collections of stars, planets, and other objects in space. Our Milky Way is one of many galaxies in the universe.
  4. 6. A tool that helps us see distant objects in space. It makes stars, planets, and galaxies look closer and clearer.
  5. 7. Man-made objects that orbit Earth or other celestial bodies. They're used for communication, weather forecasting, and more.
  6. 11. Planets that orbit stars outside our solar system. Scientists search for them to learn about other potential worlds.
  7. 12. System Our sun and all the objects that orbit around it, including planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.