Outer/Middle Ear Anatomy

  1. 1. part of the ear whose functions include amplification, localization, and protection
  2. 7. smallest muscle in the body located in the ear
  3. 10. ring-shaped ligament surrounding the tympanic membrane
  4. 13. also referred as the ear canal
  5. 16. outer fold of the pinna
  6. 17. part of the malleus that is attached to the tympanic membrane
  7. 18. lowest part of the pinna
  8. 19. smallest bone in the body located in the middle ear
  9. 20. loose part of the tympanic membrane that makes the tympanic membrane act like a piston
  10. 22. equalizes pressure in the middle ear
  1. 2. muscle in ear that is innervated by the trigeminal nerve
  2. 3. part of the ear whose functions include impedance matching, selective oval window stimulation, and pressure equalization.
  3. 4. ear wax
  4. 5. stretched part of the tympanic membrane responsible for sound transmission
  5. 6. instrument used to examine the tympanic membrane
  6. 8. known as the anvil of the ossicles
  7. 9. bony portion of the ear canal
  8. 11. air -filled cavity where the ossicles are located in
  9. 12. ear drum
  10. 14. small bones in the middle ear that transmit energy to the inner ear
  11. 15. referred as the "hammer" of the ossicles
  12. 21. deepest groove in the pinna that leads to the opening of the ear canal