
  1. 1. what is a corvair
  2. 3. the title of the book
  3. 5. what are the richer gang called
  4. 7. a type of clothing socs wear which greasers hate
  5. 9. what always happens between the socs and the greasers
  6. 12. what is the poor gang with jelled hair called
  7. 14. the oldest curtist brother
  1. 1. what is a cancer stick
  2. 2. bobs car
  3. 4. hilton she was only 16 when she wrote outsiders
  4. 6. who killed a soc in chapter 4
  5. 8. what is a switch blade
  6. 10. her hair was firey just like her car
  7. 11. whats another name for a pistol
  8. 13. what is outsiders about