
  1. 2. Darry's high school sport
  2. 3. final test
  3. 6. Johnnys best friend
  4. 9. where the church is
  5. 10. ponys and Johnny hidout
  6. 12. stealing
  7. 14. hold around for protection
  8. 16. cherrys bf
  9. 17. bobs gf
  10. 19. ponys mean brother
  1. 1. author of poems
  2. 4. town
  3. 5. mean but loves Johnny
  4. 7. an organized group of criminals
  5. 8. ponys best friend
  6. 11. poor mean
  7. 13. pony loves
  8. 14. rich mean
  9. 15. committing crime
  10. 18. pistol