Over 80s "Serving Others with Joy!"

  1. 5. Headed up Highland High School Alumni Banquet for many years
  2. 7. Attended HPC until her family rolled to Bel Air in 1949, then returned after marrying Harry
  3. 12. Served as church organist for ~67 years
  4. 13. Was married at HPC, returned after many years as a faithful worshipper
  5. 14. Spends time in rural New Hampshire
  6. 16. Served in many leadership positions at his home church, West Nottingham Presbyterian
  7. 20. Enjoyed attending the Model Railroad Club in the mid-1990s
  8. 23. Taught many years of Sunday School, but she’s kept that under her hat
  9. 24. This 99-year old has served Highland in many capacities
  10. 25. Served as Deacon during the 1980s while raising her 4 sons
  1. 1. Difficult “keeping up” with the number of terms this Trustee has served
  2. 2. An organist and former snowbird who now lives full-time in Whiteford
  3. 3. In charge of the Christmas Room at HPC bazaars in the 70s
  4. 4. Organizer and leader of 14 successful HPC Tea Parties
  5. 6. She wrote many handwritten notes as a Deacon, in her perfect script
  6. 8. Served as Deacon while living in downtown Highland
  7. 9. Jumped into action as substitute organist
  8. 10. Faithfully serves in Threads of Hope
  9. 11. Current Trustee
  10. 15. Longest serving pastor of HPC with 24 years of ministry
  11. 17. Always served her church with ‘joy’
  12. 18. Part of a sister-act at HPC, always willing to serve
  13. 19. Financial Secretary since 2017
  14. 21. Has been singing in the choir for 80 years
  15. 22. Grew up attending HPC but now a faithful member of Brown Memorial
  16. 23. Worked with George to build Nativity and Cross