Owen's first five presidents crossword puzzle

  1. 2. People have free will.
  2. 3. Monroe, The fifth president of the United States.
  3. 10. states, The place where the Revolutionary took place in.
  4. 11. A law from the constitution
  5. 12. War, The Revolutionary War was an insurrection by American Patriots in the 13 colonies to British rule, resulting in American independence.
  6. 14. Washington, The first president of the united states
  7. 15. Jefferson, the third president of the united states
  8. 16. Adams, The second president of the united states
  9. 17. Madison, The fourth president of the United States
  10. 18. Amsterdam, A military base.
  11. 19. of Paris, This treaty, signed on September 3, 1783, between the American colonies and Great Britain, ended the American Revolution and formally recognized the United States as an independent nation.
  1. 1. The fundamental law of united states
  2. 4. hill, A bloody battle that took place here.
  3. 5. A place In Pennsylvania.
  4. 6. the fact or state of being independent.
  5. 7. of Independence, The document announced the separation of 13 North American British colonies from Great Britain.
  6. 8. A territory that took part in the war.
  7. 9. A place where Britain fought
  8. 13. the island consisting of England, Scotland, and Wales, which together with Northern Ireland makes up the United Kingdom.
  9. 15. something people have to spend money for.