OYAP Electrical

  1. 1. a receptacle found near sinks
  2. 4. a light box
  3. 6. a path of very low resistance in a circuit between two points
  4. 7. an electrical diagram using symbols
  5. 10. a temperature measuring device that utilizes two dissimilar metals for temperature measurement
  6. 14. a component that offers a specified degree of resistance
  7. 15. holds tools
  8. 17. the unit by which voltage is measured
  9. 19. the rate of flow of electrons through a conductor
  10. 20. 1000 millimeters
  11. 22. a device used to plug cords into
  12. 23. a type of board used to build electronic circuits on
  1. 1. the colour associated with ground
  2. 2. the unit of power equal to the work done
  3. 3. an instrument used to measure voltage
  4. 5. contains electrical breakers
  5. 8. the opposition to current flow in an AC or DC circuit
  6. 9. all electrical work is to abide by it
  7. 11. the third band in a 4-band resistor
  8. 12. a circuit with only one path for current flow
  9. 13. an electrical component that permits current to flow through it in only one direction
  10. 16. pipe that contains wire
  11. 18. unit for resistance
  12. 21. a circuit element that provides starting voltage for certain types of lamps
  13. 22. slang for the type of wiring found in a house