Ozuna's Kids

  1. 4. How many years has Mr. Ozuna taught at Rudder?
  2. 6. What is the name of the principal?
  3. 8. Who is my favorite student?
  4. 9. Am I married?
  5. 10. Our room number.
  6. 13. What is my favorite video game?
  7. 15. What city do we live in?
  8. 17. Mr. Ozuna's favorite food.
  1. 1. Describes a noun.
  2. 2. What is your potential in life?
  3. 3. How old am I?
  4. 5. What is my favorite movie franchise?
  5. 7. An action or state of being.
  6. 8. Who will miss you all summer?
  7. 11. How many units of Lexia do you usually need to complete?
  8. 12. A person, place, or thing.
  9. 14. What is our school mascot?
  10. 16. What is my favorite instrument?
  11. 18. Who runs Rangers Sports?