P417 Assignment #5

  1. 2. Pressure Force of blood against the walls of the arteries
  2. 5. Diabetes in which the body is not responsive to insulin
  3. 7. Abnormalities in blood lipids and lipoproteins
  4. 10. Dense and stiff bone
  5. 11. The hormone produced by the Beta Cells
  6. 12. Porous and flexible bone
  7. 15. Where the Beta Cells originate from
  8. 18. The formation of new fat cells
  9. 19. The blood pressure measured during cardiac relaxation
  1. 1. When fat accumulates by filling existing cells
  2. 3. Lower than normal bone mineral density (BMD)
  3. 4. Hormone that increases appetite
  4. 6. Storage forms of fat
  5. 8. Transporters for cholesterol
  6. 9. a skeletal disease characterized by low BMD with an increased susceptibility to fractures
  7. 13. The ADA recommended test for determining diabetes
  8. 14. Hypertension that has no identifiable cause and tends to develop over years
  9. 16. Diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin
  10. 17. Bouncing flexibility exercises
  11. 20. Hormone released that suppresses appetite