P5 Systems

  1. 3. A part of the circulatory system that transports substances around the body
  2. 5. A ________ of electricity allows electricity to pass through it.
  3. 8. The system that allows substances to be transported around the body
  4. 9. Blood is transported in blood ______.
  5. 12. The respiratory system consists of the nose, _______ and lungs.
  6. 13. When there is a ____ in the circuit, no electricity passes through it and the bulb does not light up.
  7. 14. This gas is absorbed into the blood in the lungs
  8. 15. An ________ of electricity does not allow electricity to pass through it.
  9. 16. A muscle that pumps blood in the body
  10. 17. The 2 parts of the bulb that needs to be connected in order for it to light up is the ____ tip and casing.
  1. 1. When the bulb lights up, there is no gap and electricity flows through the ______ circuit (word starting with c).
  2. 2. Avoid using wires that are exposed to prevent electric ________.
  3. 3. A ______ is the source of electricity.
  4. 4. _______ food, water and oxygen is transported from the heart to all parts of the body
  5. 6. The system that allows you to take in and give out air
  6. 7. The part of the bulb that lights up is the _________ (word starting with f).
  7. 10. Carbon ________ is given out in the lungs
  8. 11. A wire, bulb and battery makes up a simple electric ________.