P5 Key Word Crossword

  1. 2. A process for generating energy where large nucleii are broken down.
  2. 4. Provided the first model of the atom.
  3. 8. Radioactive decay with no mass. Most penetrative.
  4. 10. When a nucleus is too large and will undergo decay we say it is _______.
  5. 12. When a source of radiation is on or in you.
  6. 15. Provided the Plum Pudding model of the atom.
  7. 17. The time taken for half the remaining nucleii to undergo decay.
  8. 18. Added the idea of electron shells to out understanding of the atom.
  9. 19. Radioactive decay particle with no charge.
  10. 20. The process of an unstable nucleus breaking down/emitting radiation.
  1. 1. A measure of how easily radiation can move through materials.
  2. 2. A process for generating energy where small nucleii are combined together.
  3. 3. A radioactive material used to view systems in the body.
  4. 5. An energy resource using the nucleus of unstable atoms.
  5. 6. When radiation passes through you.
  6. 7. The emission of particles and/or energy by an unstable nucleus.
  7. 9. What happens when neutrons are emitted from a nucleus breaking apart and they hit other nucleii.
  8. 11. Added the idea of the nucleus to our understanding of atoms.
  9. 13. A measure of how much damage radiation can do.
  10. 14. The largest particle of radioactive decay. Most ionising.
  11. 16. When a nucleus will stay the same and not give out any radiation.
  12. 18. Blocked by thin aluminium.