
  1. 6. A passionate expression of grief or sorrow
  2. 7. Loud, excited, and emotional in nature
  3. 8. Skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands
  4. 9. Surprised and confused to the point of being unsure how to react
  5. 11. An animal that feeds on flesh
  6. 12. A fascinating aura of mystery, awe, and power surrounding someone or something
  7. 14. A person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions
  8. 15. Relating to, or characterized by glaciers or ice sheets
  9. 16. To have a strong emotional effect on; to overpower
  10. 19. Calm and peaceful in nature
  1. 1. To invent or create something, typically with deceitful intent
  2. 2. Most noticeable or important in nature
  3. 3. The study of the principles of motion, especially of bodies in motion
  4. 4. A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something
  5. 5. Directed or moving backward
  6. 10. Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and rural life
  7. 13. A difficult or complex situation; a boggy area of land
  8. 17. Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
  9. 18. The quality of being modest or unassuming