  1. 1. A particle with charge = +1 and mass = 1 (11)
  2. 5. The radiation used to treat cancers (4)
  3. 7. The charge of a neutron (7)
  4. 10. Formed by gamma decay of 60-Ni (8)
  5. 11. The charge of a proton (8)
  6. 15. The power of radiation to pass through a material (4)
  7. 17. A particle with charge = 0 and mass = 1 (6)
  8. 18. The process of exposing an object to nuclear radiation. The object does not become radioactive (13)
  9. 19. The unit of radioactive activity (8)
  10. 20. Electrons move to lower energy levels, which releases light (8)
  11. 22. The power of radiation to knock electrons off atoms (11)
  12. 26. The experiment which proved the nuclear model (Alpha ________) (6)
  13. 28. The atom is ten _________ times bigger than the nucleus (10)
  14. 30. Discovered the nuclear model of the atom (7)
  15. 31. Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons (7)
  16. 32. The same thing as a beta particle (7)
  17. 33. A few mm of this stops alpha radiation (5)
  18. 34. Where mass is concentrated in the atom (7)
  1. 2. The decay of radioactive nuclei is…. (6)
  2. 3. The time taken for the radioactivity to half (6)
  3. 4. The meaning of "M" in the GM tube (6)
  4. 6. The radiation used in smoke alarms (8)
  5. 8. Light moves electrons to higher energy levels (10)
  6. 9. This disease can be caused by radiation (5)
  7. 10. Formed by beta decay of 14-C (9)
  8. 12. uThe presence of unwanted materials containing radioactive atoms or other materials (8)
  9. 13. Formed by alpha decay of 14-C (6)
  10. 14. The radiation used to measure wallpaper thickness (5)
  11. 16. Discovered electron energy levels (4)
  12. 21. The alpha particle is a nuclei of this element (8)
  13. 23. The charge of an electron (8)
  14. 24. A few m of this stops gamma radiation (9)
  15. 25. A few cm of this stops beta radiation (5)
  16. 26. Another name for an electron energy level (5)
  17. 27. The meaning of "G" in the GM tube (8)
  18. 28. Discovered the electron and plum pudding model of the atom (3)
  19. 29. Atoms with different numbers of protons and electrons (7)