Pace Libraries

  1. 2. In library parlance, a monograph generally refers to this four letter word
  2. 3. A searchable online index of published works, usually consisting of newspaper, magazine and journal articles
  3. 6. The shelves that hold a library's circulating collection are often referred to as this
  4. 8. AND OR NOT are examples of this type of operator
  5. 9. An eyewitness account of an historical event may be referred to as this type of source
  1. 1. A reference librarian can help you with this
  2. 2. A compilation of citations or a works cited is also referred to as this
  3. 4. A short summary that usually appears at the beginning of the article
  4. 5. Books in libraries are arranged on shelves not alphabetically but by this kind of number
  5. 7. A magazine, newspaper or journal may also be referred to as this