Pack 9515 BB/Archery Puzzle

  1. 1. fitting an arrow to the string
  2. 5. Prevents accidental shooting
  3. 7. bow draws should touch the same spot
  4. 8. Helps you aim at the target
  5. 9. the hand-hold of a bow
  6. 10. number of hands needed to carry arrows
  7. 12. a scout always needs before firing
  8. 14. load only one at a time
  9. 16. the vanes or feathers on an arrow
  10. 18. pull back the string
  1. 2. pump the gun ______ to fire
  2. 3. Press this part against your shoulder
  3. 4. directs the BB toward target
  4. 6. squeezed to fire
  5. 7. must have one nocked to fire a bow
  6. 11. always point this direction
  7. 12. adds air pressure
  8. 13. the straight part of an arrow
  9. 15. target center
  10. 17. wheels that the string turns during a draw
  11. 19. point at target