Paddock WH U8a Early Cold War, Chinese and Korean Communism Crossword

  1. 5. Collection of Eastern European nations under the domination of the USSR as a buffer zone - aka Warsaw Pact
  2. 6. A government on the island of Taiwan established in 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek
  3. 7. Communist leader of North Korea; his attack on South Korea in 1950 started the Korean War. He remained in power until 1994.
  4. 11. ___ Countries: USA and it's Allies in the Cold War - Capitalist Democracies
  5. 12. ___ of German: 4 zones, combined into a Capitalist Democratic West G. and a Communist Dictatorship East G., same for capital of Berlin
  6. 13. ___ of China: Communist government of mainland China
  7. 19. An international organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security
  8. 23. ___ Law of 1950: Mao Zedong takes all of the land from the landlords and divides it equally among the peasants. Over one million landlords were killed by Mao's forces because they resisted the policy.
  9. 26. Country that did not trust the US because they waited until 1944 to invade Europe, stopped Lend-Lease program early
  10. 27. Eisenhower's pledge to use Nuclear Weapons if Russia / USSR attacked the US
  11. 29. Leader of the Communist Party in China that overthrew Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists. Established China as the People's Republic of China and ruled from 1949 until 1976.
  12. 30. Top U.S. general during Korean War. Fired for publicly criticizing President Truman.
  13. 32. Policy of the US that it would defend the Middle East against attack by any Communist country
  14. 33. A successful plan for aiding the European nations in economic recovery ($17B) after World War II in order to stabilize and rebuild their countries and prevent the spread of communism.
  15. 34. 1947: President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology, mainly helped Greece and Turkey
  16. 35. U.S. President that traveled to China to meet with Mao Zedong and opened up trade between the US and China
  1. 1. American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world
  2. 2. Leader of Nationalist China. Received support from the U.S. during WWII. Lost civil war to Mao's Communists.
  3. 3. ___ Revolution: A movement launched by Mao Zedong that attempted to purge China of intellectuals and recapture the revolutionary spirit of his guerrilla struggle.
  4. 4. A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West - destroyed in 1989
  5. 8. ___ Countries: Africa and parts of Asia in the Cold War - recruited by 1st & 2nd worlds
  6. 9. A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control.
  7. 10. The required amount of a specific good that must be produced in a given timeframe. China's Quotas led to low quality of farmed produce.
  8. 14. This plan by Mao was set for the Chinese to have high standards of production targets for industries (coal, electricity, cement, steel). This was a success.
  9. 15. Secretary Dulles' method of going to the brink of war to force an opponent to back down - used when Communist China threatened non-Communist Taiwan
  10. 16. Dividing line between North and South Korea
  11. 17. ___ Massacre: A political and social protest by university students in Beijing, China in 1989. The government used the military to end it, killing hundreds.
  12. 18. ___ of Germany: No military or civilian arms industries, Individuals punished for War Crimes, Local Democracies, National gov't by Allies, No Racial Discrimination in education or law
  13. 20. Border between North Korea and China. China attacked US / UN forces when they approached this border during the Korean War.
  14. 21. Started by Mao Zedong, combined collective farms into People's Communes, failed because there was no incentive to work harder, ended after 3 years with millions dead from famine.
  15. 22. Ended the Korean war and reestablished the 38th parallel.
  16. 24. Korean leader who became president of South Korea after World War II and led Korea during Korean War.
  17. 25. Series of flights in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin - successfully avoided Appeasement & War
  18. 28. ___ Countries: USSR and Eastern Europe in the Cold War - Communist Dictatorships
  19. 31. Ended by joining NATO