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  1. 5. the alphabet without vowels
  2. 7. people on ships that hunted for treasure
  3. 11. a plane that was used in the war
  4. 12. something that passes signals in the brain
  5. 15. a word made of to words
  6. 16. more than one
  7. 19. vowels and consonants
  8. 20. like ice cream
  1. 1. how we talk
  2. 2. example animal:animals
  3. 3. doing the same thing twice
  4. 4. an frozen drink for a hot day
  5. 6. when things are getting scary and close
  6. 8. a way to express your feelings without saying any thing
  7. 9. unusual
  8. 10. a pathway in your brain
  9. 13. example e m o j i or t r ea su re
  10. 14. a e i o u
  11. 16. adding letters to the start of a word example tense: intense
  12. 17. a type of dog
  13. 18. example i like the time when its time to rhyme