Paid & Unpaid Work

  1. 4. This describes people who are helpful and useful__________________(10)
  2. 6. Money that the government collects to run the country______(3)
  3. 9. The term used to measure economic activity______(3)
  4. 11. Employment_____________ can be improved through volunteering (13)
  5. 13. Work is one of the ways we________________ to society (10)
  6. 14. Voluntary activity can provide useful and _______________ work experience (10)
  7. 16. Social ________means everyone belongs and feels part of society (9)
  8. 17. ______________ development includes confidence building and self awareness(8)
  1. 1. Another word that also means work_____________(6)
  2. 2. Work that happens in the home is described as ____________work(8)
  3. 3. Another word that means promote or grow_____________(9)
  4. 4. Paid work helps build economic wealth and _________________(10)
  5. 5. Work that is non remunerative ______________(6)
  6. 7. A word that mean training or guiding another______________(8)
  7. 8. Money that is earned is called________________(6)
  8. 10. A word that describes how we live, habits and choices (9)
  9. 12. Increasing workforce________________ is what the government must aim for (13)
  10. 14. A word that refers to concern for the welfare and happiness of another (9)
  11. 15. Domestic work is described as the ____________ infrastructure (9)