Paige & Grant Sip & Solve

  1. 4. Paige's middle name
  2. 7. Who instigated the first kiss?
  3. 9. The first country they visited together
  4. 10. Their dog's name
  5. 11. How many capital cities have they lived in together?
  6. 12. Paige's maiden name
  7. 13. Engagement month
  8. 15. Paige's star sign
  9. 16. How many years have they been together?
  1. 1. Grant's middle name
  2. 2. On which beach did Grant propose?
  3. 3. In which Italian city did Grant first tell Paige he loves her?
  4. 5. Their favourite cocktail
  5. 6. Their favourite restaurant
  6. 8. Grant's star sign
  7. 11. How old was Paige when they met?
  8. 14. Honeymoon location