Paige + Sophie Zootopia Project

  1. 4. Each nation had a designated area within Zootopia but were able to come together
  2. 6. Judy moving from a small family farm to the major city of Zootopia
  3. 9. Every goes to Zootopia because they believe they can be whatever and whoever they want
  4. 11. Judy's family was farming to keep their family well fed and was also shipping their products to Zootopia
  5. 12. Zootopia shifted from being farming heavy to very industrial and modern
  6. 14. There are many different nations that live together within the city of Zootopia
  1. 1. Judy brought in her cultural traits from home while adapting to and new traits
  2. 2. Judy chose to leave the farm to move to Zootopia for a job
  3. 3. The city of Zootopia allows for all of the different cultures to come together
  4. 5. Zootopia is a
  5. 7. This model represents Zootopia
  6. 8. Judy's family carrot farm is an example of this
  7. 10. The idea that predator and prey can live in unison being spread across Zootopia
  8. 13. Each nation had their own township within Zootopia