Paired Maths

  1. 2. (-9)(-.8)=
  2. 4. square 15
  3. 6. 3/4 of 12
  4. 7. Square 4
  5. 8. (9+8)-7=
  6. 9. square 1
  7. 10. 2+1.7
  8. 16. (-8)(-8)=
  9. 19. product of 8 and 4
  10. 20. 8.7-3.9=
  1. 1. 3+7.5 twice
  2. 2. 1000-375=
  3. 3. square 6
  4. 4. 12/3=
  5. 5. 50% of 300
  6. 11. Square 2 and add the square of 9
  7. 12. 10.4-3.5=
  8. 13. 13+15.5+15.5=
  9. 14. 33% of 99
  10. 15. half of 50
  11. 17. 100-60 =
  12. 18. 1/4 of 20