Palestinian Response

  1. 3. Arafat/Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization
  2. 4. Sponsored Terrorism/Government support of paramilitary organizations engaged in terrorism
  3. 7. dispersion of the Jews beyond Israel
  4. 11. llegally seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.
  1. 1. September/Palestinian terrorist organization responsible for the Munich massacre
  2. 2. Warfare/A form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as armed civilians (or "irregulars") use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, and the element of surprise
  3. 5. Raid/a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976
  4. 6. a major Palestinian political party and the largest faction of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) founded by Yasser Arafat
  5. 8. organization created in 1964 with the purpose of creating an independent State of Palestine.
  6. 9. use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
  7. 10. Olympics/1972 summer Olympics, that fell subject to terrorist attack