Palm Oil

  1. 2. Name given for farming one crop,
  2. 5. The other largest producer of Palm Oil,
  3. 6. Endangered animal due to Palm Oil,
  4. 9. Biome where Palm Oil grows,
  5. 11. One of the largest producers of Pal Oil.
  6. 13. Acronym for the type of countries where Palm Oil is grown.
  7. 15. Something that doesn't add CO2 to the atmosphere .
  8. 17. The main reason countries have heavily invested in Palm Oil,
  9. 19. Large Malaysian island that has been heavily deforested for Palm Oil resulting in loss of biodiversity.
  10. 20. Global problem being driven by deforestation.
  11. 21. Type of soils found in the SE Asian Rain Forest.
  1. 1. Oil produced largely in Ukraine and takes 4 times as much land per Kg of production,
  2. 3. One of these is generated for every 8 hectares of Palm Oil plantation,
  3. 4. Most used method of clearing forest for Palm Oil.
  4. 7. Abbreviation for Net Primary Productivity
  5. 8. Toxic herbicide banned here but used in Palm Oil plantations.
  6. 10. EU wanted 5% of this added to petrol.
  7. 12. Type of goods in MEDC's that is driving demand for Palm Oil.
  8. 14. One of the largest buyers of Palm Oil.
  9. 16. Acronym for sustainably certified Palm Oil.
  10. 18. Process of land cover change that must occur for Palm Plantations to be created,