Pandemics & Puzzles

  1. 2. the big pandemic of 2020 and 2021
  2. 6. a disease spread through infected mosquitoes and is the leading cause of mosquito-borne diseases
  3. 8. a virus that is spread by rodents and causes pulmonary disorder
  4. 10. an extremely contagious bacteria that causes fever, runny nose, and cough
  5. 11. causes red blisters and rash to appear on a person
  6. 12. a fungi that can be used to make a powerful antibiotic
  7. 13. a contagious and sometimes fatal respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus
  8. 14. Highly contagious disease that is dangerous to small children
  9. 17. a single virus particle
  10. 19. a disease that eats at your flesh
  11. 20. comes from chickenpox
  1. 1. a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes
  2. 3. multicellular organisms in the eukarya domain. can look like mushrooms
  3. 4. makes a ring-like rash appear on a person
  4. 5. mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite
  5. 7. a type of prokaryotic cell
  6. 9. a fungal infection that begins between the toes
  7. 15. the pandemic of 1919
  8. 16. virus that causes you to hemorrhage
  9. 18. a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system