Param Shah

  1. 4. My brother´s name
  2. 5. My name
  3. 7. My mum´s name
  4. 10. My favourite book is___________.
  5. 11. My gender
  6. 12. My eye colour
  7. 13. My favourite food
  8. 15. I studied for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for one year.
  9. 16. The instrument I play
  10. 21. My Year 6 Teacher
  11. 22. My role model
  12. 24. The high school I want to attend
  13. 25. The gaming console I own
  1. 1. My favourite sport
  2. 2. My other best friend
  3. 3. My dad´s name
  4. 6. The my favourite suject
  5. 8. The job I want when I grow up
  6. 9. My favourite hobby
  7. 14. The company of my small pencil case
  8. 17. My class
  9. 18. My street name
  10. 19. The quality I value most
  11. 20. My best friend
  12. 23. The suburb in which I reside