Parenting Basics - Vocab Crossword

  1. 1. failure to care for or give attention to
  2. 3. dimension of Baumrind’s theory of parenting styles which involves parents’ expressions of warmth and support
  3. 4. dimension of Baumrind’s theory of parenting styles which relates to parental expectations for children to live up to their potential
  4. 10. parenting style characterized by high levels of parental control and maturity demand and low levels of clarity of communication and nurturance
  5. 11. nature of interaction and relationships among family members
  6. 15. process of creating or using negative emotions and insecurities for behavioral manipulation
  7. 18. parenting style characterized by low levels of parental control and maturity demand and high levels of clarity of communication and nurturance
  8. 19. situation which gives a child the choice to behave or misbehave, set up by a parent simply to catch an act of misbehavior
  1. 2. dimension of Baumrind’s theory of parenting styles which deals with parents’ willingness and ability to communicate with their children
  2. 5. parenting style characterized by high levels of parental control, maturity demand, clarity of communication and nurturance
  3. 6. capacity to understand or share the emotions experienced by another
  4. 7. continuous, gradual range or series existing between two extremes
  5. 8. parenting style characterized by low levels of parental control, maturity demand, clarity of communication and nurturance
  6. 9. to deal with and attempt to overcome difficulties and hardships
  7. 12. capacity to control emotions and actions; willpower
  8. 13. used as an adjective: fitting society’s standard of correct behavior; used as a noun: practice or characteristic deemed acceptable or even desirable by society
  9. 14. elements required to survive and maintain health, such as food, water, shelter, clothing and medical care
  10. 16. promise made with no intention of following through
  11. 17. dimension of Baumrind’s theory of parenting styles which involves the enforcing of rules