
  1. 3. Running at a slow, steady pace for exercise, often done in parks.
  2. 5. A large outdoor area with grass, trees, and paths, where people can relax and play.
  3. 6. A two-wheeled vehicle with pedals, used for riding and transportation.
  4. 7. trail A marked path in a park or natural area, allowing people to explore nature.
  5. 8. A seat suspended by ropes or chains, used for swinging back and forth.
  6. 10. garden An area within a park where various types of flowers are grown and displayed.
  7. 11. A decorative structure that shoots water into the air, often found in parks.
  8. 12. watching Observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat, often done in parks.
  9. 14. A structure with a smooth sloping surface, used for sliding down.
  1. 1. A meal or gathering held outdoors, usually in a park, where people eat and socialize.
  2. 2. field A large grassy area used for playing soccer, often marked with goalposts.
  3. 4. skating Moving on wheels, usually on a smooth surface, using roller skates.
  4. 5. An area within a park equipped with structures and equipment for children to play on.
  5. 9. A long seat made of wood or metal, usually found in parks for people to sit on.
  6. 10. A plastic disc thrown between players, often used for casual outdoor games.
  7. 13. park A designated area within a park where dogs can play off-leash.