
  1. 2. A small body of water found in parks, often home to ducks, fish, and other aquatic animals.
  2. 3. A trail or walkway in a park for people to walk or run on, often made of gravel or concrete.
  3. 7. A fun outdoor area with swings, slides, and other equipment for kids to play on.
  4. 9. Hanging seats that move back and forth, providing a fun experience for children in the park.
  5. 11. Slanted structures that children can slide down, adding excitement and enjoyment to the playground.
  1. 1. A long seat made of wood or metal, usually found in parks, where people can sit and rest.
  2. 3. Having a meal outside with friends or family in a park, usually on a blanket.
  3. 4. Winged creatures that fly and chirp in parks, adding a lively and natural atmosphere.
  4. 5. A decorative structure that shoots water into the air, creating a beautiful display and a soothing sound.
  5. 6. Colorful plants that bloom in parks, adding beauty and fragrance to the surroundings.
  6. 8. Tall plants with branches and leaves that provide shade and make the park look beautiful.
  7. 10. The green carpet-like plant that covers the ground in parks, perfect for running and playing.