
  1. 2. bed A raised area within a park where flowers and other plants are grown for decorative purposes.
  2. 4. park A specific area within a park where dogs are allowed to run off-leash and socialize with other dogs.
  3. 5. pit A designated area within a park where people can gather around an open fire for warmth, cooking, or socializing.
  4. 6. A long seat made of wood or metal, typically found in parks for people to sit and rest.
  5. 8. An area of land set aside for public recreation and enjoyment, often featuring grass, trees, and recreational facilities.
  6. 10. stand A small building or stall in a park where snacks, drinks, and other refreshments are sold to visitors.
  7. 12. space Open areas within a park that are covered with grass, trees, or other vegetation, providing a natural environment.
  8. 13. A three-dimensional artwork made by carving, molding, or assembling materials, often displayed in parks for public viewing.
  9. 14. A small body of still water, often found in parks, that is home to aquatic plants and animals.
  1. 1. Animals and plants that live in their natural habitats, often found in parks and protected areas.
  2. 3. coaster A thrilling amusement ride found in some amusement parks, featuring tracks with steep drops, loops, and turns.
  3. 7. A rotating platform with seats or animal figures that people can ride for amusement, often found in parks.
  4. 8. A designated area within a park where children can play on equipment such as swings, slides, and jungle gyms.
  5. 9. path A designated route within a park that is intended for bicycles, providing a safe and enjoyable riding experience.
  6. 11. A meal or social gathering held outdoors, often in a park, where people bring and enjoy food together.
  7. 14. A designated route or trail within a park that people can walk, jog, or ride bicycles on.