  1. 2. - Shaded area formed by trees or climbing plants in a park.
  2. 4. - Outdoor meal often enjoyed in a park setting.
  3. 5. - Waterfowl commonly seen in park ponds.
  4. 7. - Leisurely stroll along designated paths in a park.
  5. 9. - Area equipped with structures for children's recreation.
  6. 11. - Seating often found along pathways in a park.
  7. 12. - Body of water that may be a feature in a park.
  8. 13. - Sculpted figure often commemorating a person or event in a park.
  9. 15. - Cultivated area with plants and flowers in a park.
  10. 17. - Activity of observing avian species often done in parks.
  1. 1. - Pathway for walking or hiking in a park.
  2. 3. - Two-wheeled vehicle commonly used for riding in parks.
  3. 6. - Suspended seat for recreation, often found in parks.
  4. 8. - Engage in sports or games with a ball in a park.
  5. 10. - Activities for leisure and enjoyment in a park.
  6. 14. - Gathering of people, especially during events in a park.
  7. 16. - Decorative water feature often found in park landscapes.