Parks and Rec

  1. 4. Pawnee has an infestation of which vermin
  2. 5. Worst place on Earth
  3. 10. Show's creator
  4. 11. Pony beloved by all of Pawnee
  5. 14. Jean-Ralphio ______
  6. 16. Tammy Two actress
  7. 17. Ann and Chris move to this state in S6
  8. 18. During Treat yo' self 2011 Ben buys what costume
  9. 19. Andy's band
  10. 20. Ron Swanson's middle name
  1. 1. Andy's FBI alias
  2. 2. Ben's favourite food
  3. 3. What time does the library close?
  4. 6. February 13th is ______ day?
  5. 7. Andy's job at city hall
  6. 8. Host of Pawnee Today
  7. 9. S7 guest starred as Mayor of Pawnee
  8. 12. Worst character
  9. 13. Company owned by Newport family
  10. 15. April's sister