Parks & Rec

  1. 3. Donna and Tom's annual outing
  2. 8. it has a wall of shrimp
  3. 10. how Jerry broke his arm
  4. 12. Andy's band
  5. 14. Ron's Eagleton counterpart
  6. 15. alcohol, sugar, coffee, and some other junk
  7. 18. he was like 5000 candles in the wind
  1. 1. Donna's cousin
  2. 2. Craig's disease(it's incurable
  3. 3. we all fell in ___ ___
  4. 4. gets the party going
  5. 5. technically, Jean-Ralphio is this
  6. 6. Leslie's crush
  7. 7. Mona-Lisa to Jerry
  8. 9. it needs to go into the time capsule
  9. 11. Ron's ex-wife
  10. 13. what Tom calls forks
  11. 16. can't get a shoeshine or catch a break
  12. 17. Pawnee's only teen rental clothing service