Parliamentary Motions

  1. 3. There are ____ ways to amend a main motion or an amendment.
  2. 6. A ______ inquiry is used to ask a question regarding the proper use of rules in the meeting, such as the type of vote required for a motion.
  3. 8. If a member wants to speak more than twice per item of business, he/she can move to extend the _____ of debate for extra time, extra speakers or both.
  4. 10. This category of motions makes a direct impact on any motion on the floor.
  5. 12. If a main motion is particularly long, or if it would naturally break into parts, the motion _____ of the question can be used.
  6. 13. When a member of the assembly disagrees with the chairperson, he/she can use the motion _____ the Decision of the Chair to try and overturn the chairperson.
  7. 17. If a member believes that the voice vote was too close to call, he/she can use the motion division of the _____ to get a show-of-hands or written vote.
  8. 18. A question of ___ privilege is used to ask to do something during a meeting that will not cause the meeting to stop.
  9. 20. If a motion requires but does not receive a ___, it will die.
  10. 21. Anyone in the meeting room can provide the answer for a Point of ________.
  1. 1. When a motion is postponed to a specific date or time, it is postponed ___.
  2. 2. The _____ category of motions is the highest ranking, and are allowed at any time during a meeting.
  3. 4. Motions that don't need to be discussed immediately might be set aside by using the motion Lay on the _____.
  4. 5. The ____ motion is the way to get a topic onto the floor for debate, amending and voting.
  5. 7. The motion used to end the meeting.
  6. 9. Motions in the ______ category come up during the handling of business, sort of by accident.
  7. 11. If the motion maker wants to, he/she can ____ their motion without needing a vote from the assembly, if he/she does it right away.
  8. 14. Another term for "vote" in parliamentary rules.
  9. 15. If a member really doesn't want a motion to come before the assembly for debate or voting, he/she can _____ to Consideration of the Question.
  10. 16. One reason to take a ___ is to count ballots, or to just take a break during a long meeting.
  11. 19. The motion Call for Orders of the Day is used to get the assembly back on track according to the ____ for the meeting.