Parliamentary Procedure

  1. 2. To lay aside a pending question temporarily when something else of immediate urgency has arisen.
  2. 4. Permits a request relating to the rights and privileges of the assembly or any of its members to be brought up immediately.
  3. 5. To modify or change a motion.
  4. 7. To enforce the rules by calling attention to a violation of the rules or a mistake in procedure.
  5. 8. To retake a vote, to secure a more accurate representation of the vote.
  6. 10. A motion which can change an action previously taken or ordered.
  7. 11. To take a short intermission in the assembly’s proceedings.
  8. 14. To send a pending question to a group for further investigation and action.
  9. 15. To bring an item of business before the assembly for consideration and action.
  10. 16. To again bring a question before the chapter for further consideration.
  11. 17. To allow members to disagree with the ruling of the chair and obtain a vote from the assembly.
  12. 18. To close debate and secure an immediate vote.
  1. 1. To permit a member to gain parliamentary information.
  2. 3. Enables a majority in an assembly, within a limited time and without notice, to bring back for further consideration a motion which has already been voted on.
  3. 6. To close the meeting
  4. 9. To suspend one or more rules contained in the parliamentary authority, the special rules of order, or the standing rules of the assembly.
  5. 12. To drop a main motion without a direct vote on it. To kill a motion.
  6. 13. To control debate on a pending question.