Parliamentary Procedure

  1. 1. The motion used if you do not agree with the decision of the chair
  2. 6. Only the motion maker can use this motion to remove the motion
  3. 8. A motion to take a break for a specified amount of time
  4. 9. Motion to request to use the restroom
  5. 12. A motion that can be discussed is called _________
  6. 13. The required number of members required for business to be conducted
  7. 14. This incidental motion can be used when you feel someone is off topic or the meeting is getting out of control
  8. 15. After a vote is announced, if you don't agree with it- you can call for a counted vote by saying this
  9. 16. A motion used to limit debate
  10. 17. A motion used to change or alter a main motion
  11. 18. 51% of the assembly equals a ___________
  12. 19. The main topic of discussion
  1. 2. This motion kills the motion forever
  2. 3. This incidental motion is used to ask a question about parliamentary procedure
  3. 4. A motion that sets the time to adjourn
  4. 5. The motion that ends the meeting
  5. 7. Some Motions require a _________ to move to discussion
  6. 10. Use this motion when you want to end debate and move to a vote
  7. 11. When you feel the agenda is not being followed you can use this motion