Parliamentary Procedure

  1. 4. We follow his rules of order
  2. 5. True or False? You must first be recognized by the chair for a point of order
  3. 7. Bills are passed with this thype of vote
  4. 8. A majority vote requires more than _______ of those present to pass
  5. 9. The process of proposing, amending, approving, and defeating legislative motions
  6. 11. This motion is used to end debate on a bill
  7. 12. This motion is used to kill a bill
  8. 14. If there are 18 members present, how many votes are needed for a 2/3 majority?
  9. 18. We refer to members by last name and what other title?
  10. 19. When we put bills in order, we set the ________.
  11. 23. Motion stated when we are at the end of a session
  12. 24. Affirmative speech given by the writer of the bill
  13. 25. This is said when you want to ask a question
  14. 26. This is said when a rule is violated
  15. 27. This decides majority and 2/3 vote
  1. 1. Motion to make if you need to visit the restroom during debate
  2. 2. How long is the question and answer period?
  3. 3. Speech given in opposition to the bill
  4. 6. A sign with the speaker's name on it
  5. 10. Motion to change something in the bill
  6. 13. The rights of the _______ are protected, but the majority rules
  7. 14. True or False? Unfinished business comes before finished business
  8. 15. The person in charge of making sure the rules are followed
  9. 16. Motion when the whole group needs a break
  10. 17. If someone makes a motion, this must happen before it can move to a vote.
  11. 20. A formal proposal
  12. 21. Affirmative speech given by a supporter of the bill
  13. 22. This means that you opt not to vote