Parliamentary Procedures - Conduct of Chapter Meetings

  1. 1. Correct an error in parli
  2. 4. Change wording of main motion
  3. 9. Questions related to member comfort
  4. 11. At least 1 other member agrees with the motion
  5. 12. Send a main motion to a committee
  6. 13. changes a voice vote to a standing
  7. 14. end debate on a motion
  1. 1. Postpone a motion to an unknown time
  2. 2. Ask a question about parli law
  3. 3. stating reasons for or against a topic
  4. 5. Bring a new item of business before a meeting
  5. 6. class of motions that change the main motion
  6. 7. Postpone motion to a known time
  7. 8. Take a break of a specific amount of time
  8. 10. Motions dealing with procedure