Parlimentary Procedure 1

  1. 1. ends debate and propses the question
  2. 4. to make motions, to debate, to vote, to attend
  3. 6. Proposes action or a procedure incidental to, or related to, the business of an assembly or its past or future actions.
  4. 7. Used to create the order of an agenda
  5. 8. a motion that requires a second,is not debatable, not amendable and requires a majority vote in order to put something aside because something more important came up
  6. 11. A motion used to kill the motion on the floor if passed with a majority vote
  7. 13. A motion that is used to put a motion aside till another meeting and to be taken up under unfinished bussiness
  8. 14. A class of motions that are unrelated to the current pending motion but are of such importance they must be brought up now
  9. 17. The book that has all the rules of how to govern an organization
  10. 18. A motion where the member asks a question pretaining to their rights
  1. 2. A class of motions that are applied to another motion for the purpose of modifying it, delaying action on it, or disposing of it.
  2. 3. A committee that is used multiple times and from year to year
  3. 5. Refers to right of order and consideration of one motion over another or the priority of consideration
  4. 9. minimum amount of members needed to be present in order to conduct business
  5. 10. A not debatable motion that requires a majority vote to adopt and creates a special meeting
  6. 12. A committee formed to handle upcoming things within an organization
  7. 15. These are things that were unfinished that are as a special order to take first priority at this meeting
  8. 16. formal proposal by a member of a deliberative assembly that the assembly take certain action.